Melody Bear
Copyright © 2010 - 2016 All rights reserved.
Melody Bear® Milligan Bear® Melody Movement® and Little Bear Feet® are the registered property of Jill Ewing

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Welcome to my web page!

My name is Melody Bear and I love to dance.  

I have lots of friends who like to dance too.  Look at me leading the line.  It’s fun to play follow the leader!

Visit my other website

to find your nearest Melody Bear

dancing class.

We have ‘Little Bear Feet’ sessions for toddlers and Melody Movement classes for girls and boys aged 2 to 4 years. Children progress to ‘First Ballet with Melody Bear’, a stepping stone to our ‘Junior Ballet’ course.

Look out for our ‘Tip Tap Toe’ tap

dancing courses too!


How many bears can you count?

Who is playing the tambourine?

Come and join my dance classes

Photo of Melody Bear and ballet dancing bears Photo of dancing bears for pre-school ballet syllabus